Calvin is the Founder and President of Catalyst Ministries. He has a Doctor of Ministry, cognate Discipleship Degree from Liberty University. Before his ministry work, Calvin worked for twenty years as a CEO within WV’s healthcare industry. He and his wife, Robin, have two children, Calvin III and Sydney.
Calvin will continue to cast vision and direction to form Catalyst Ministries into a long-term, sustainable ministry that serves the incarcerated for years to come.

Director of Prison Programming
Terry serves as the Director of Prison Programming. He is the managing partner of TJC LLC Rental properties & TJC Home Improvement LLC General Contractor. Previously, Terry was the Vice-President of Training at PFC Inc. (d.b.a. Papa John’s Pizza and Qdoba Mexican Grill), he has 23 years’ experience with the Papa John’s franchise during which the first three years he spent as a General Manager and then multi-unit Manager. The last 16 years he has served as Vice-President of Training, working directly with the Chief Operations Officer.
In 2011 Terry received his CHT (Certified Hospitality Trainer) through American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute by attending courses and passing the certification examination. As well as having strong knowledge of effective training, he has facilitated workshops regarding Behavioral Interviewing, Tactical Leadership, Performance Management, and Recruiting, as well as many others.
Terry was the Past President for the West Virginia chapter of ATD (Association of Talent Development), on the advisory board for West Virginia Junior College and for the Culinary Arts Program at Mountwest College and serves as a judge for West Virginia ProStart Hospitality Cup.

Director of Community Outreach
Errol Randle is a retired 25-year veteran of the Charleston (WV) Police Department. He served as the department’s Strategic Planning Officer, FBI Gang Task Force Officer, and Street Crimes Unit Detective. As the Strategic Planning Officer, Errol was tasked with developing and implementing 21st Century community policing strategies, developing innovative re-entry partnerships, and developing neighborhood revitalization efforts. One of his most notable achievements was Project West Invest. Project West Invest served as a catalyst for change in blighted areas, promoting safety and re-establishing positive neighborhood norms within challenged residential neighborhoods.
Errol currently serves as the Community Outreach Specialist in conjunction with the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety and the Division of Education for West Virginia.
Upon joining Catalyst Ministries, Errol and Calvin Sutphin developed The Grace Project, a comprehensive re-entry initiative designed to change the lives of incarcerated individuals, while re-invigorating communities.
Errol will lead all Community Outreach Initiatives, including The Grace Project.

Director of Development
Justin serves as the Director of Development. After a 20-year prison sentence, Justin is an example of successful reentry. While incarcerated, Justin earned a Dual Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Theology & Bible Doctrine from Mt. Olive Bible College, a subsidiary of Appalachian Bible College. Justin applied his training while in prison, serving as a pastor, moral rehabilitation peer mentor, and side-walk counselor to many.
Justin is currently enrolled at Marshall University, seeking a Master’s in Social Work. He is a member of Marshall University’s Phi Alpha Honor Society: Sigma U, where he serves as their social service chairperson.
Justin is employed at WV Peers, where he works as an advocate in helping justice-impacted individuals successfully reenter society.

Director of Administration and Marketing
Robin serves as the Director of Administration and Marketing. She has been a CEO in the healthcare industry for over thirty years. As a CEO, Robin was responsible for all day-to-day operations, including the management of hundreds of employees while assuring compliance with all Federal, State, and Local Laws and Regulations. She is a licensed Nursing Home Administrator, Registered Nurse, and Social Worker. Robin serves on the Board of Directors of the Kanawha Chapter, Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). Robin has been married for twenty-one years and has two children, Calvin III and Sydney.